The cleaning strike is still on because the workers want more pay, better hours, and they want the worker cuts undone. There has been no agreement and it is expected to continue for a while. The work being done though is to remove garbage from the streets and from around schools to avoid accidents and keep some level of hygiene going. Another interesting bit of work is the cutting of the orange trees. This is done so that the trees will flower and to keep the trees from expanding into the streets. The oranges are too bitter to be eaten straight up so they will be sent to England to make English orange marmalade.
Interlaced arcsAlcazar with it's double pillars and arcos lobulados. the pool is called Albercas and they serve to reflect the building.
Arabic writing as decoration, Muslims cannot use images so they use calligraphy
The triple arch is a variation of the double arch called Ajimez
This ceiling is not the original Alcazar ceiling and was placed by the catholic kings I think. The rest of the palace is not of this style.
This text is sandwiched between two pictures of the courtyard area of Alcazar.
Tower of Gold. It is called that for a few reasons, one it was covered in gold azulejos (plasterwork). It was built in 1220 to help stop the christian reconquest of Spain. The tower also housed gold brought over from the Americas and guarded the river. The tower of gold was connected by fortifications to many other towers including the nearby and lesser known (also smaller) tower of silver.
Oranges for shipping!
An orange tree and also it seems like a girl and her guide dog got into the picture. It's a mediocre shot of two things so I guess it's ok.
Police on strike!
The jeep has a guy in a mask that I've heard it is of the mayor. The police are on strike as well.
Una mezcla de fotos muy interesante. No he visto la torre de plata ni sabĂa de ella.